Equality Objectives

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Partington Central  Academy

Equality Objectives 2023-24

  1. To develop a whole school understanding of ‘Protected Characteristics’ ; age, race, gender reassignment, disability, religion or belief, marriage or civil partnership, sex, sexual orientation , pregnancy and maternity and how the law protects us all from discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
  2. To raise awareness of the importance of good attendance in maximising the outcomes for all children, especially those with SEND.
  3. To review levels of parental and pupil engagement in learning and school life, across all activities to ensure equity and fairness in access and engagement.

Equality Objectives Planning

  1. Our PSHE curriculum enables children to learn about themselves and the world around them, focusing on what makes them special and unique, the differences between individuals and why these should be celebrated, how to keep themselves safe and healthy and encourages them to consider their aspirations for the future. Our assemblies schedule will build on this by focussing on the values we aim to support our children in developing. We will also hold specific assemblies focussed on celebrating the differences between individual members of our school community and anti-bullying. In addition to this our RE curriculum teaches children about the different religions and cultures within our community and the wider world in order to promote understanding and tolerance of different beliefs and cultures. An increased focus on protected characteristics, explored throughout the curriculum. Displays and information around the school to raise awareness of what protected characteristics are, what harassment, discrimination and victimisation can look like and what we can do to protect ourselves and others.
  2. Monitoring of attendance levels across the school with a focus on vulnerable groups including SEND. Clear messaging for parents, carers and pupils on the importance of attendance in achieving the best outcomes for children. Clear procedures in place for attendance; first day calling, home visits, letters to parents, carers, formal meetings and fixed penalty fines when appropriate. Signposting to further support for families through Trafford Teams Together and local organisations. Clear and consistent expectations understood by all members of the school community. Attendance celebrations and certificates for classes/individuals.
  3. To continue to improve the range of opportunities for parents, carers and pupils engage in learning and school life. Offer a range of opportunities for parents/carers to be actively involved in their child’s learning and school life – parent forums, information sessions for specific subjects, workshops and drop ins. A range of extra-curricular clubs offered to all children across all year groups throughout the year, opportunities for learning outside the classroom through trips and visits. Events for parents, carers and pupils throughout the year, including local partners. Monitor attendance at different events and clubs, identify any trends in attendance/lack of engagement for different groups and identify possible barriers.




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