FREE breakfast snack for Year 6 before SATs starting Monday!

Home / News / FREE breakfast snack for Year 6 before SATs starting Monday!

On Monday our Year 6 children will be starting SATs week. It is essential that Y6 children have a calm, relaxing weekend with plenty of sleep so that they are rested for the week ahead. Our staff will welcome the children on Monday and deal with any last minute nerves. Each day the children will start by eating breakfast with their teachers and classmates. Staff will support the children through the process and boost their confidence where it is needed.

Can ALL Year 6 students please ensure they arrive at school by 8.30am for your FREE Breakfast snacks before SATs begin.

Children must not arrive late to school as this will cause them to miss vital instructions and be flustered at the start of the tests. We do not want them to be disadvantaged on the day.

The tests will take place daily until they are completed on Thursday 16th May.

On behalf of all the staff we would like to wish all the children every success and we hope the results will reflect all the hard work they have put in during this academic year.

Good luck Year 6!

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